Profiles : 1. Add Personal Photos area to General Profile (allows multiple photos to be displayed. Not related to Profile photo) Not to be confused with Photo Gallery used to store content photos. a. Does not show in right sticky Profile area ->FIXED 2. Title this page ‘General Profile Views’ -> FIXED 3. Some code is displayed in the mem_personal.php page. ->fixed Preferences: 1. Under ‘Overview…’, add ‘Enable services, folders or items to display on Overview page’ (indent) ->NOT FIXED 2. Under Choose Services, add ‘Remove unused services from display’ (indented) ->NOT FIXED FILES: EDIT FILE: 1. Uploaded new file should delete old one. -> FIXED Ask for confirmation. ->FIXED Add File 1. Show ‘Created Date’ in ‘Add File’ defaulting to today’s date, but allow override here and in ‘Edit File’. ->FIXED Navigation 1. Change colors on the disk space feedback bar positioned on the right side navigation box. Use three divisions: green, yellow and red. ->NOT FIXED